Copyright – news of the world….

In the last days we have heard about the “strange case of the Switzerland” (even if it seem a title for a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and it’s obviously not!) and its uncommon way of “tolerating piracy”. Someone comments that is because they are still rich and so, even if they download contents illegally, they spend money in culture, buying something else…

But the rest of the World seem to look at the problem in another way…

And Switzerland might become an “Heaven” for pirats, as it has already been for money and finance.

In the last days a US Commission proposed a new law against piracy, the SOPA – Stop Online Piracy Act. The main aim of this new regulatory act is not to oblige the ISP to block the Internet access to “pirats” but to delegate the International Trade Commission in regulating transactions with International subjects.

Even if the field is not free from controversies…

Meanwhile in Italy a great revolution has yet been announced: thank to the “On Air” platform, several films (the less commercial ones) will be contemporaneously in the Cinema and on the Web. The price for a single film (available on the “On Air” platform) will be between €3 and €5.50, that is possible to pay with a normal credit card.

And, last but not least, the Tribunal of Lipsia sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment the administrator of the German pirate website, closed last June. He was sentenced because of the violation of copyright and the exploitation of several copyrighted materials to enrich himself (about 300.000 euro from Tv programs and 70.000 euro by