Pirates of the Caribbean

The title commemorate the famous saga of 4 movies by Disney, but this time is not a fiction, is reality.

It seems that the Government of the Caribbean island of Antigua decided to open a web portal to sell movies, music and software illegally downloaded.

The institutions of what was the “pirate’s land” want now to make a virtual pirate island.

According to many journalists this project is a sort of revenge against the US Authorities. Indeed in Us there’s a strict legislation against act of gambling so they blocked the access for the Us citizens to many specialistic websites of the Island. This meant the loss of million dollars for the caribbean Island. Althought the Us Authorities  tried to contrast the project with the explanation of “fight to piracy”, the project obtained the feu vert by the World Trade Organization.

The portal would like to propose a subscription for 5$US  a month  to access – without limits – to any kind of content. That would be the worst nightmare for the entire creative sector, audiovisual industry as well as phonografic industry.

A warning came even from the White House, obviously: let’s consider the key role of the major for the electoral campains “made in US”.

There are, in any case, many people who hope in the illusion of the “all for free”.

But, above all, such a news deserves a deep reflection. If the portal will be active, the loss for the creative sector can be apocalyptic and difficult to be quantified. We would like to remind that pay for original contents does not mean enrich those who had created that contents but, first of all, insert new resources for the re production of the system. Without new funds to be reinvested the productive eco-system would fail, as well as contents would disappear. And then, there will be nothing to joy for, not considering the dramatic loss for the cultural system at all.

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