On January 12th, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Communications (AGCOM) published its document, directed to the Italian Government, to suggest a possible path for growth initiatives in the field of Audiovisual and Communications.
The document (available on the Authority’s website at: http://www.agcom.it/default.aspx?DocID=7927),
imports a large part of what was already contained in the policy documents of
the “Digital Agenda for Italy” initiative (website: http://www.agendadigitale.org/),
integrating such principles with some practical proposals, that are particularly suitable to enrich the debate and contribute to the development of future regulatory proposals.
We list below some of the most interesting proposals:
- Simplify administrative procedures for the installation of structures for Next Generation Networks;
- Increase the use and spread of wi-fi areas in public places;
- Mitigating the exclusive rights in the Broadcasting Law, to allow widespread use of multi-platform licenses to use;
- Enact, by means of primary norm, the principle that digitization of Public Administration services should have no economical impact on the citizen;
- Encourage the use of digital money through measures to strengthen the POS network and rethink the VAT system to allow small and medium-sized businesses to switch to online operations;
- Send all Public Administration services on the cloud, giving each citizen an account/profile to access such cloud;
- Progressively switch to online payment of stamp duties;
- Allow digital notification of court documents, thus helping Post Offices (since January 2012, this measure is already being implemented, allowing Lawyers to notify their documents by means of Electronic Certified Mail);”