SOPA / PIPA placed “on standby” from the House Judiciary Committee

It is official news that, following the widespread protests of last weeks, the legislative initiatives Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) have been slowed down.

In an official statement, a spokesman of the House Judiciary Committee, chaired
by the promoter of SOPA himself (Rep. Lamar Smith), said that this slowdown will be useful to incorporate many of the suggestions and concerns which were expressed by both law technicians and common people. Among the most important changes being considered by the Committee, the main one regards putting aside, both in the SOPA and the PIPA, the much-discussed clause that would have given the U.S. Department of Justice the power to blacklist websites reputed distributors of works protected by copyright, without any preliminary hearing of their authors/editors/distributors.

The spokesman stressed, however, that the decision to make such an elision, like the others to be performed on both draft bills, shall not affect the possibility to introduce changes at a later stage.

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